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We recently listed our website on niche website about essentials oil Check it out and discover many others great products about aromatherapy and wellbeing Our website is listed in

Is Helichrysum the same as curry?
Curry plant is a name often used to speak about Helichrysum. Make sure it refers to the plant scientific name Helichrysum Italicum as it may be used for different species...
Is Helichrysum the same as curry?
Curry plant is a name often used to speak about Helichrysum. Make sure it refers to the plant scientific name Helichrysum Italicum as it may be used for different species...
How do you translate Hélichryse Italienne in en...
"Hélichryse Italienne" is the french common name for Helichrysum Italicum. In English you can simply use the word Helichrysum or Curry Plant. The name Immortelle can also be used in...
How do you translate Hélichryse Italienne in en...
"Hélichryse Italienne" is the french common name for Helichrysum Italicum. In English you can simply use the word Helichrysum or Curry Plant. The name Immortelle can also be used in...
How do you translate Immortelle in english ?
There are various translations for the word "Immortelle", the most common one is Helichrysum. In the United Kingdom and Ireland they use Curry Plant. You can simply use the word...
How do you translate Immortelle in english ?
There are various translations for the word "Immortelle", the most common one is Helichrysum. In the United Kingdom and Ireland they use Curry Plant. You can simply use the word...

Is Helichrysum the same as Immortelle ?
As you may have found out online or in our previous article Helichrysum is often used to describe the Immortelle plant. It is a diminutive of "Helichrysum Italicum", the scientific...
Is Helichrysum the same as Immortelle ?
As you may have found out online or in our previous article Helichrysum is often used to describe the Immortelle plant. It is a diminutive of "Helichrysum Italicum", the scientific...
Is Immortelle good for psoriasis ?
Helichrysum Italicum can sometimes be effective against psoriasis. Thanks to its anti-inflammatory and soothing properties. We recommend you try organic Immortelle essential oil. Apply one or two drops to your...
Is Immortelle good for psoriasis ?
Helichrysum Italicum can sometimes be effective against psoriasis. Thanks to its anti-inflammatory and soothing properties. We recommend you try organic Immortelle essential oil. Apply one or two drops to your...
Nos produits
Nos huiles essentielles BIO
Nos huiles essentielles sont toutes certifiées BIO 100% Pure & 100% Naturelle...
Notre boutique
Tous nos produits sont DIRECT PRODUCTEUR. Ils sont fabriqués et expédiés depuis...
Nos savons
Tous nos savons sont fait à partir de notre Huile d'Immortelle. Ils...
Nos eaux florales BIO
Nos eaux florales BIO sont obtenus pendant l'hydrodistillation. Elles sont extremement concentrés...
Nos cosmétiques BIO
Nos cosmétiques sont fait uniquement à partir d'ingrédients naturels. Les ingrédients principaux...
Nos huiles végétales
Immortelle Oil rich in organic essential oil, already blended with a neutral...