Origin : Helichrysum means sun (helios in greek) and gold (chrysos) resulting in golden sun. In the odyssey, the goddess eternal youth secret was its oil of flowers of the golden sun. Greek used to transport this beauty oil from Corsica in large lead chest by boat.
Botanic : There are more than 500 species of Helichrysum, in Corsica it's Helichrysum Italicum ssp italicum from the asteracae family, its flower is daisy-like.
In Corsica it's known as Immortelle, but also as Murza, Muredda, Calaticcia in corsican. In english it is also called "Curry plant" thanks to its strong fragrance.
The woody stems at the base form a pretty bouquet that can reach 50 centimeters in height. The yellow flowers bloom from June to July.
Picked manually and dried upside down, they decorate bouquets of dried flowers. They can be kept for a very long time, hence the name "Immortelle" who could be translated to Immortal, its flowers are everlasting, they are eternal.
Our macerate, close to the one of ancient times, is obtained from organic flowers. They macerate in a vegetable oil under the sun for some time before being cold pressed. With this method we can extract all the properties of the plan. Our macerate is then enriched in organic Immortelle essential oil.